Who are we? We are our stories.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008


In the New Yorker this week, James Wood critiques the Republicans misuse of words and now their attack on words in general. Buried in the depths of the article was this rambling sentence that would make any 19th Century writer proud:

She may claim, as she did in last Thursday’s Vice-Presidential debate, that “Americans are cravin’ that straight talk,” but they are sure not going to get it from the Governor—not with her peculiar habit of speaking only half a sentence and then moving on to another for spoliation, that strange, ghostly drifting through the haziest phrases, as if she were cruelly condemned to search endlessly for her linguistic home: “I do take issue with some of the principle there with that redistribution of wealth principle that seems to be espoused by you.”

Now I must admit that I have some sympathy for Sarah Palin, as I often have the same trouble organizing my thoughts and, much to Lorna'a irritation, lose interest in the thought and leave unfinished sentences hanging in the air, leaving the listener waiting for the other verbal shoe to drop. But God, don't you just love, "...that strange, ghostly drifting through the haziest phrases, as if she were cruelly condemned to search endlessly for her linguistic home".

Yep, that's me too

1 comment:

reverend dick said...

Well, you aren't running for high office in the course of which you would reasonably be expected to communicate (even negotiate!) with other people from other cultures. To do her potential job effectively she would need to be not only lucid, but tactful and subtle as well.

She is not a smart or reasonable person.

Were (God Forbid) McCain elected, he would croak and she's be the puppet for the shadowy figures behind the throne to manipulate a la Cheney pulling the Bush strings.

No sympathy.