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Sunday, June 5, 2011


#1. These little flowers are not called "pinks" because they are pink. The color is pink because of the flowers.
#2. The petals have a jagged edge - an edge we refer to as being pinked (as in a pinking shears).


Anonymous said...

Oh...that you should have been my neighbor for "wise counsel" on these types of things. MORE on the growing and keeping alive. NOW that we're in the "sub-tropics" the fauna from "Up North" isn't quite the same here. Oh..we do have some of the perennials and they're planted earlier because Summer is too hot. I haven't seen hosta here but then I'm not familiar with the Latin names of things neither. Thanks for having us enjoy your endeavors even if it's online!!

Gunnar Berg said...

L.N. You know where I live.