My Oakwood neighbor Christy and I went went over to Lanesboro on Tuesday with his pickup laden with a bicycle, bedding and assorted sundries. Our main purpose was to unlock the house and help the furniture movers who would be arriving later. As is the way of the world, much later, but they were great about getting things into the house. I was a little worried about getting the furniture moved around. Christy is great company, but because he is small, old and only has one arm, he generally sucks as a furniture mover.
Wednesday, Lorna and I went back over to Lanesboro again and we continued scrubbing and fixing little things. We got one bed set up - we are waiting on the other until the floor is clean. We stayed two nights, ate some great meals and met almost all of the close neighbors. Sandy who offered to bake me a banana cream pie, Dustin and Emily next door and their young children, Elly and Addy, Marvin and Carol from the
B & B on the other side. Marvin is a great straight man, continually setting up my bad jokes. Carol brought over a platter of scones and she and Lorna settled in to discuss books and book clubs. Last night walking home from a cafe we were flagged down by an older couple sitting on a bench eating ice cream. "Hi neighbors!" It was Kevin and Bea who live diagonally across the street from us and had been watching the action.. There is also a triplex townhouse across the street. It isn't conducive to friendliness. They pull into their garages and close the door. The only one we actually see on foot is a solitary soul who only comes out once a day in his pajamas and robe to check the mail, then immediately returns to his hermitage.
Dam at dusk |
Looking over the village. |
Through the pines. |
There are two churches on the hill. I think this is the Catholic version. |
Pretty lady and Pug under the church door light. |
Back Home. |
Still sorting out our furniture placement. It may look like an old gentleman's club, but she still won't let me smoke cigars. |
Lanesboro looks like a lovely place to visit!! Love your photos and updates. Is the furniture in your LR "re-sale"...if so would love to know where one happens upon such 'finds'.
Very little new. The lamps and rug are Home Depot. Most of the rest, including another settee, a number of chairs, and two queen beds were from a mom and pop here in town, Beds and More. They also delivered. We are under $1000 total for everything far. ;-) More pictures next trip.
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