So. You missed it again this year. There was a fair turnout, about 50 or 60 people, not counting kids and dogs. This was the 63rd annual picnic, but prior to that there was an annual neighborhood meeting to discuss road and water maintenance (See photo of the Oakwood water tower, once located where our picnic was held.) After annexation and city water, the people of Oakwood missed the annual get together and the picnic was born.) We bent the format a little this year with a representative from each family telling the story of how they choose to live in Oakwood. Joanie Muschler, maybe the resident elder of our little community, led off with a long story of her trip across Iowa from Kansas in bad weather with four small children. It was a tale that has been hewn and polished over the years. It was tough to beat, but we all gave it our best shot. The Judge, who grew up in Oakwood (in our house), filled us in with a little more history. Great food, good company - the weather was beautiful and people lingered until late afternoon. It was maybe the best picnic since we came to Oakwood 25 years ago. See you next year.

1 comment:
Thanks, Richard. It's a wonderful, tight little community.
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