Who are we? We are our stories.

Monday, August 22, 2011

I'm going start ...

... slowly winding this blog down. Not killing it completely, but no more music, no more cut and past links to what I'm reading - not sure about the garden pictures. I may split it into three blogs with random, sporadic postings. If I start writing again during the Winter maybe I'll post that.


Mike said...

Sorry to hear that; I have really enjoyed the music links in particular. Thanks for all that you have shared!

reverend dick said...

Well you're gonna do what you do, but I will miss your hat in the ring.

George A said...

I look forward to whatever you do next. Maybe Roz will get some new life.

Gunnar Berg said...

@George, Oh yeah!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for all the great music. Sincerely, I hope it's just burnout, other interests, boredom, etc... that prompted this move. My cyberlandscape just got patchier.


Rick M.

Oldfool said...

I have to keep reminding myself that my blog is my blog. There is no income and no obligation to tailor it to someone else. If I want to swear, show nude pictures, rant about religion, plagiarize, comment on politics, talk about my lunch, bicycle, books, latest skirt or do nothing for as long as I like then I can. Those that find it interesting will read it and comment those that don't won't. Those that know how to sign up for a feed will get whatever I post even if it's months apart. I have blogs I've been waiting for year on.

It's not like it cost a lot of money to keep a blog open even if it's not active.

I like comments and sometimes I get them, sometimes I don't. Even if I got none I know of several people that read my blog just to keep up with what the fruit-cake is up to now.

Stay open so that when you get a brilliant idea you have a way to share it.

Jonny Hamachi said...

(standing respectful ovation)

Thanks for everything.

Be seeing you.

Anonymous said...

why not just get a crotchedy guest blogger ever so often?

Gunnar Berg said...

You have my email address.

Anonymous said...

I've enjoyed the garden, the bicycles, and the bluegrass. Hope you plan to spend more time riding! -Tony

Tom G. said...

Where am I going to turn for bluegrass suggestions, and book recommendations. Dang. I hope you still come by the front porch from time to time. Your company is appreciated.

Anonymous said...

I'll miss the Oakwood garden and shots of the lake,references to Albert Lea life and history, plus all the fine music, some of it obscure enough that I haven't even heard it on KFAI. I hope you'll keep the site open and post when the whim strikes. The pace you've been keeping would exhaust me. I'm lucky to get one post up per week.


Gunnar Berg said...


Grady said...

Good luck to you then, as I've enjoyed checking in from to time.

As a fellow Minnesotan and Kvale/Goodrich/Croll/Anderson bicycle lover, thanks for your efforts.

Silk Hope said...

SOB...I remember when we got together. Just because of a McLean.

Be well and Gods speed.

Jonny Hamachi said...

I call bullshit, nice try though.

George A said...

Gunnar, after 6 years of blogging I'll bet your site has some amazing stats. I've been at it for less than a year and I'm still amazed by some of the obscure locations around the globe that "tune in" and have individuals who somehow share the same narrow range of interests that I do. I suspect many are mis-delivered to my door by Google searches. I often wonder what they think after they click on my blog!

Silk Hope said...

Hell Jonny I was trying to be respectful. But I am in your camp. Thanks for outing me. I think Gunnar is trying to get more readership with the silence. The knuckle head hasn't even anwsered gmail.

Mr. Hope

Mimbres Man said...

Yep, this blog has been one of the best. One of the few I frequented and I found it from a strange corner of Venezuela.
To me its been the best bicycle related and life related blog I've found.
Thanks Gunnar!

Johann Rissik said...

You may, as is your right, stop blogging for a while. On condition that you ride ole Pigeon Blood and Cream ;) Thank you for all the interesting stuff you posted. I'll always be grateful to you for putting me onto Betty Lavette.(sp?)

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry to see it go. I use tumblr to post random stuff and it seems to keep it simple. Best wishes.

George A said...

Hey, it ain't like the guy's dead or somethin'--he's just decided to chillax a spell...

Anonymous said...

personally I think he should kill it on Fridays, then let it come back sometime Monday or Tue.


Anonymous said...


see that town in the middle of all that crap? yep, that's me. If you want to know what it's like, just think of the worst divorce you ever saw. Sucks big time. It's an act of God. Ok, well, that's my live report. Hope you enjoyed it. Over and out.


Gunnar Berg said...

Michael, Be well and don't get hurt. The rest is just stuff.

Anonymous said...

we're in it good right now. hope it doesn't knock out power for a week like they do sometimes . . .

Anonymous said...

First flames, now fade to black?? -Tony

Gunnar Berg said...

I thought the flames were a little overly dramatic.