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Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Birds - Gone?

Last night a weather front with strong northerly winds came through. Warblers are not dumb; they have an inborn intelligence borne of 10,000+ years of migration. During night they left, left riding that wind on their way to the tropics. Over time, those that do not climb up and ride that wind do not live to pass on their genetic package. 

This afternoon one single Bay-breasted Warbler stopped in for a quick drink. Right now the future of his gene package does not look very promising.

There was also a fresh from the nest, slightly confused looking young Mourning Dove.

The Warbler show may not be completely over. The Yellow-rumped Warblers nest up in the far north of Canada, Alaska and Newfoundland. We have not seen any yet. Maybe, but if they are riding a good front they could pass right over Oakwood.

 - Gunner   *sigh*


George A said...

Gunnar: I have a PhD in genetics. Worrying about passing your genes on to a largely unappreciative generation is an overrated ego trip. Buy that warbler a drink.

Gunnar Berg said...

"Worrying about passing your genes on to a largely unappreciative generation is an overrated ego trip"

Good. Geneticist humor. I'll have to save that one.