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Sunday, May 24, 2020

Yesterday's Birds

I already posted these on Facebook, but blogger is more permanent and easier to retrieving later to remember birds seen and establish dates.

These, particularly the Bay-breasted Warbler were a real surprise. The Chestnut-sided male has been here as a single for about a week, and yesterday there were at least five Tennessee Warblers. Lorna also saw a a Scarlet Tanager yesterday and took I.D. photos of a female Canada Warbler, a bird I have seen, but not taken a decent photo of this year.

Chestnut-sided Warbler
Bay-breasted Warbler
Tennessee Warbler
Tennessee and Bay-breasted Warblers

I tend to think of Warblers as "little birds", but they vary quite a lot in size and shape. I believe the Parula is the smallest and the Chat used to be the largest until they pulled its 'Warbler Club' card. Probably now it is the Ovenbird, which is aberrant in many ways - maybe they will pull their 'Warbler Card' next?  This illustrates how much larger the Bay-breasted Warbler is than that Tennessee Warbler. Lorna got the next shot in the series when the Bay-breasted attacked and clamped on the Tennessee's beak.

Still learning stuff - Gunnar

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