Who are we? We are our stories.

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Greasy Spoon Cafe

You know those pain-in-the-ass guys who are forever posting pictures of food and beer? Me too. I borrowed Lorna's camera to take a shot of our breakfast this morning at the Pastry Shoppe. This is a Brett Special, which varies depending on what he has on hand and what he wants to cook, so it could vary from table to table. I am normally not a toast guy, but Brett  baked the bread this morning for the toast and the raspberry jam is homemade. I picked apart the omelet a little: bacon, sausage and ham - onion, broccoli, carrots, zucchini, mushrooms, with magic spices. Oofda, you betcha that's good, ya know.  Oh yeah, we split a fresh baked cinnamon roll for desert. Life is very good. ("Oofda" was rejected by spellcheck, but it gave no other options. How else would you spell it?)


Doug said...

Uff da or uf da are the two ways I've seen it spelled.

Gunnar Berg said...

;-) They didn't pass spellcheck either. Oofda, uff da, uf da. Oh, fieda. (I'm just imagining people reading this, "Oofda?".)

Anonymous said...

Uffda...it's how the Norwedjans spell it. But then I'm Danish...

Anonymous said...

Uff-da was how it was spelled on the t-shirts of my relatives. That is how I spell it.

Gunnar Berg said...

no anoymous comments please

Silk Hope said...

All this looks REAL good.