Who are we? We are our stories.

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Cjell Money

The Z-Man hit town and stopped by today for a afternoon of Growlery time. We looked over his Black Sheep and talked bicycle geometry theory. Envisioning a possible future in frame design and building. He already knows far, far more about mountain bikes than I ever will.

He is planning on riding the Tour Divide again next year, again south-to-north because, well, because he is Cjell. After living with it, he isn't quite as entralled with the Schlumpf kick-shifter because there is a lag similar to a cheap freewheel. He's not a member of the Church of the Single Speed, but he may join long enough to take a run at the singlespeed record. We must have talked about other things too because it took about four hours and a handful of beers to do it. Tuesday we're going on an outing to check in with some Minneapolis frame builders. I'll try to remember to take a camera.

1 comment:

Johann Rissik said...

Take notes and a camera, I'll be expecting a full report.