We were out early with our neighbors, Paul and Carolee. They are both serious birders, and Paul in particular is working to add to his life list. I am indifferent to keeping lists of bird sightings, but Lorna is getting on board that train as fast as she can and I support her efforts when I can. Paul's quest today, and therefore all of our's, was the smallest tyrant flycatcher, the Northern Beardless Tyrannulet. We hung out in areas where the bird had been sighted. We saw a lot of birds, but not our quarry. Eventually Paul's enthusiasm waned, and he and Carolee decided to check out the Edinburg Refuge. As we were there yesterday, we stayed at Estero Llano. It was a bit of a slow day, but I did get a poor picture of a Black Phoebe, a reasonably rare sighting, and a few other miscellaneous birds.
Snowy Egret |
Green-winged Teal |

I'm slowly falling in love with Little Blue Herons. They are always a great subject.