All of the extended Hanson family, siblings, children and grandchildren are trying to fight their way through the weather to get home for Thanksgiving. The snow is just at the beautiful stage, but more, too much more, is forecast. Everyone here has grown up driving in snow so we all know the drill, all know the rules. Be careful out there, don't speed, stay in your own lane, don't do something stupid.
The Growlery Garden:
Enjoy your feast and family. Hope they all make it. Got our first taste of snow today. Mostly rain but an hour or so of fat wet flakes which coated the lawns. I mended a broken Lucia crown for diaristwoman and went skating. At least it waited 'til late November this year. Almost time to make glögg.
My daughter made it this afternoon, plus three of our friends who were temporarily weathered in on their journey to Kansas City. Looks better so the rest can travel tomorrow morning. Looking forward to the feast.
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