Who are we? We are our stories.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

George and the Dragon

A Frank Patterson drawing from Phil Van Valkenberg. A rural pub named George and the Dragon! We know the rider is not mounting his bicycle to ride away. He's looking at the pub door, ready to make a dash for it. We cyclists are a perennially thirsty lot. Looking at the picture I want a pint in a friendly pub right now. The Patterson drawings are evocative of the best of rural cycle touring. You look at them and you can just picture Frank under a tree with his pencils, capturing a special moment on a beautiful ride. Alas, I was crushed to read that he spent most of his time at home sketching from photographs. So ..... do you want facts or truth?  Me, I'm siding with truth. 


reverend dick said...

eh. While I certainly appreciate the sentiment, our pictured hero isn't THAT thirsty. He dismounted outside the gate.

Gunnar Berg said...

True. While it does look like a running cyclocross dismount, he could have kicked in the door and rode his horse into the saloon.

Silk Hope said...

I am missing something here. He must be a local the gate is already open. They must have seen him coming a mile away.

Gunnar Berg said...

I've been there, the gate is always open. Nothing more welcoming than a light in the window and an open gate.