Everybody agrees that because of weather connections, birding has been slow this year in The Valley. And this is already day two. Today I got pictures of a Flycatcher I cannot I.D., a White-tailed Kite, and a Grooved-billed Ani. If I really cared to I could sort out the Flycatcher DNA, but I'm not very motivated to do it.

The Kite is a marvelous flyer. I took a couple of pictures of it perched on a branch. Who the hell wants to watch one of the gods of the air sitting on a stick? When it finally did fly I missed it to beat hell. The picture I am posting is technically so wrong on so many levels, but it hopefully captures some of the Kite's grace as it slices through the air.

The Kite is a marvelous flyer. I took a couple of pictures of it perched on a branch. Who the hell wants to watch one of the gods of the air sitting on a stick? When it finally did fly I missed it to beat hell. The picture I am posting is technically so wrong on so many levels, but it hopefully captures some of the Kite's grace as it slices through the air.
The Ani is a strange bird, looking like grackle wearing a gag parrot bill. The picture is awful. It was in brush at distance. Why did I post it?
Because if I was a bird counter I would count it. It is the first time I have ever seen one.
Be well. Stay warm.
I think you should post pix of beers you've "sighted" as well as birds...
Bad Birding; Good Music and Good Beer. either way, you win. By the way, that flycatcher is an Eastern Phoebe.
Thanks again for the music. It is an utter joy. Just f**king marvelous. You get the beer with or without the music. Phoebe, schmoebe. Yeah, I know, just wanted to spend Bill's DNA line. They are really lovely -probably going back to 1410 in Spring to breed. Call can be a little irratating after a few days.
That Kite looks very similar to what we know as a Black-shouldered kite down here. Lovely to watch them hover (unless you're a mouse, I guess)
I think they are virtually the same bird.
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