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Sunday, March 6, 2011

Sling Shot

From Bruce Hodson.


Oldfool said...

I have been unable to find rubbers for my sling shots. Everything I have tried has been inferior. I am not a good shot but I scare the hell out of the squirrels and cats.

Gunnar Berg said...

Try this:

Anonymous said...

so fabulous. When I was a teen I was an ace with a good slingshot. Could pick off a nickel balanced on edge. But was never close to hitting them in the air. That is astonishing.


Anonymous said...

Killed my first fox (we had lots of chickens) with a homemade slingshot when I was 12. Was handy enough with an old Wham-o Wrist Wrocket, too.

But Rufus is just a Savant. He's on another plane.


Rick Moffat