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Tuesday, December 21, 2010

A Christmas Card Walk With Bud and Gunnar

1410 Birdfeeders.

Icicles next door at The Shack.

The Budster, snow-trapped at The Shack.


Bud claiming the snow, and marking it as his own.

Harry Held's.

Bud mooching a postal treat.
Tom and Tammi's.

The Judge and Sally's. The Judge grew up at 1410. 

Sally's pickets.
Bud, cold and tired, back home at 1410. 

Notice the Christmas green dog biscuit from the USPS.  Everybody  loves Bud.
Christmas dog. Got any treats?



Margadant said...

An excellent Christmas setting. Scenic enough to entice one for an enjoyable amble in the wools, without the necessity of snowshoes.

Merry Christmas to you and the denizens of 1410.

Gunnar Berg said...

Best to you and Brenda K.
... and Lee, Jimmy, Jana and most of all to Lucas.

And hell, to all their mates too, who's names all seem to fail me right now.

Anonymous said...

Nice pictures, Berg. Happy New Year with lots of cold beer.


Gunnar Berg said...

Same to you and Clayton ... and Linda. Do the best you can. Take care.