There was a time when there were virtually no American handbuilt bicycle frames, certainly of any quality, except for Schwinn Paramounts. And Albert Eisentraut. Albert is in his nineties 72! (see comments) and no longer builds bicycles. If you want to read more of the long article from the 1987 Bicycle Guide and learn about Albert, follow this link to Bob Hovey's scans and scroll halfway down.

The frame above, a Rainbow Trout, is presently on eBay with a starting bid of $1,125. It is 59cm, about my size. I really want it, but I am caught between a new furnace and a swore oath to my wife regarding more bicycles. Somebody PLEASE buy it, own a piece of history, and build it up in my stead.
At one time I owned one identical to this frame. Funny thing all the components on it wound up on my 80 McLean. Very nice riding frame.
The description of "Extremely RARE!!!" might be a stretch. There are probably 4,000 Eisentrauts out there, and I don't believe this is one of the top end. But still a very nice bike built by a pioneer. And I would like to own it.
And I seriously doubt the price. I bought my McLean for half that. Would you trade a McLean for an Eisentraut?
Not on your life.
I have that article. I also have a nice new scanner. What I lack is a load of spare time! Nice post. Keep the flame burning.
We weren't sure if you were kidding or serious - - we've known Al since he was a kid - - - he is NOT in his nineties - - he is 70 years old...lots of youth left in his soul.
I am not certain who Anoymous is, but I must assume he is more or less correct. I took his age from an online source which can be notoriously, inaccurate. Wiki source does say he began building bicycles in 1959 which would have made him 13. I guess the point is, he is much younger than I believed.
He was born circa 1940, which would have made him about 19.
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