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Thursday, May 6, 2010

Worth Brewing

Why Worth?  Because it's brewpub is 20 minutes from my door.  It bills itself as the smallest commercial brewery in the nation. Peter Ausenhus, who learned his trade working at Summit Brewing, brews 10 gallon batches.  Lots and lots of batches of obscure beer varieties. Why am I posting this now? Because Iowa has overturned an old law which restricted Iowa brewed beers to be 5% alcohol or less. The rules have changed.


Jonny Hamachi said...

Yes. Iowites, no. Iowashmyglass, no. Iowantbiggerbeers, no.

Iowainians Rejoice.

Gunnar Berg said...

They are Ioweigians. All people seem to have an instinctive drive to find a group of people to look down on. As in, we are "The People", the rest of the world are "The Others". We in Minnesota have chose Iowans. I have to be a little selective on this one, because by a misfortune of fate, I live 15 miles from the Iowa border and a number of former co-workers and some relatives live on the "wrong" side.