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Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Albert Lea Youth Hockey

These are some pictures from today's A.L. Tribune. I have no personnel connection with any of these children, though some are probably Oakwooders. I usually only see these guys (and gals) playing outside with red cheeks and runny noses, wearing layers of worn sweatshirts and old socking-caps pulled down over their ears. They look downright spiffy indoors in their nice clean team uniforms - like they're really for the NHL.

For a few years there was a rink cleared out of the snow on the lake in front of Lakeview Blvd. There were some old folding lawnchairs, which served both as goals during the game and as seating during a break in the action. I'm not certain why, but I always kind of liked that. 

1 comment:

Doohickie said...

Watching the NHL right now when I noticed this. Coincidence? Yeah I guess so but I like this post.