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Thursday, February 11, 2010

Smuggler's Waltz

I'm not a huge fan of Tom Waits.  To me, he forces it a too much, trying a little too hard to be hip and cool. That may be the unhippest thing there is, being something you aren't. Every once in a while I have to cut him some slack, cut myself some slack, open my eyes and ears. This is Waits being Waits. I think. Jonny posted a fuzzier version of this the other day, which was maybe more effective. We need a little variety in our lives.


Jonny Hamachi said...

What were You (w)riding in 1974? Don't get me started, Don't Even Get Me Started.

He's always been Waits being Waits, even when he wasn't.

Anonymous said...

Hrmm, I can understand some people not liking Tom Waits' music... But I've never thought of it of "forced hip".
You need to listen to this:

The most fitting description for Tom Waits, in my opinion, was said by a friend of mine in university after we had both indulged in music, drink and whetever else we had on hand... "some folks sing from their head, some from their throats and others from their hearts, but Tom Waits sings from his gut"

Allan Pollock

Anonymous said...

or this one... a classic:


Gunnar Berg said...

I listened to your link. I'll appreciate the effort, sometimes the lyrics, but in general, I think he's a fake. Opinions are just that. I have mine.

Anonymous said...

fair enough, Gunnar. You can probably tell how much I appreciate your opinions by how often I read your blog.

Allan Pollock

Gunnar Berg said...

It's an opinion, not a fact.

Anonymous said...

Opinions, absolutely Gunnar. I think we both came to the conclusion that we're not going to convince each other on this one--no big deal.

I meant what I wrote: I appreciate your opinions and that's why I visit your blog regularly. I hope my comment wasn't misunderstood in any way.


Jonny Hamachi said...

Yeah. What Allan said.

Gunnar Berg said...

It wouldn't be fun if we all liked the same thing.