Who are we? We are our stories.

Friday, September 3, 2010

Dicky Betts


Silk Hope said...

The three guys that past away in that group and after that they were never the same.

Butch Trucks
Dwane Allman
Dicky Betts

If I recall (I maybe all wet on this) I can't remember which two it was, but they died on the same stretch of road each on a motorcycle.

I grew up with these guys. Barin, saw them at the "Pit" at UNM twice. What smoke filled arena that was in 73'

Gunnar Berg said...

Duane Allman & Barry Oakley on motorcycles.

Willie Nelson's band won't be the same when he dies either.

Silk Hope said...

I knew I was off by one. Thanks NB.


Gunnar Berg said...

Dicky Betts is still alive and kickin'.