Monday, May 31, 2021
Lorna's Sitting Room
Monday, May 17, 2021
Saturday, May 15, 2021
Prothonotary Warbler
"One of the many fascinating sidelights of the Hiss case was how this rare bird became one of the more enduring symbols of Cold War treachery. It happened before H.U.A.C. in August 1948, when Hiss’s answer to a question about whether he had ever seen a Prothonotary Warbler convinced many people that Hiss was lying about his relationship with Whittaker Chambers.How well had the two men known each other? Hiss, in his book, In the Court of Public Opinion, maintained that as an avid bird watcher he would have told even casual acquaintances about his rare sighting of a Prothonotary Warbler.
McDowell underscored Hiss’s contention during the televised confrontation between Hiss and Chambers on August 25, when he said, “I would like to point out Mr. Chairman….that….to discover a rare bird or an unusual bird or identify a bird that many other people have seen is a great discovery in the life of an amateur ornithologist. You can usually recall almost everything around it. It is like winning the ball game or the yacht regatta. You can recall the time of day, how high the sun was, and all the other things.”
Tuesday, May 4, 2021
ALAN Bicycle
I have been playing with this early 1970s ALAN bicycle for a while. This bike doesn't know what it wants to be - a road bike? track bike? hipster city bike? It is as the Brits would say, a bit of a "dog's breakfast" of parts. A little of this and a little of that. I bought it as a frame, fork, headset and seatpost, and pretty much built it up with what I had on hand, primarily 1970s vintage components plus some gold anodized titanium bolts and pedals from our friends in China, and ALAN "stickers" from England.
My game was to try to build up as light a rideable bicycle as I could without breaking the bank. Gears? Derailleurs? Rear brakes? All unnecessary excess weight ;-). I ended up at 17.54 pounds including the water bottle, which I couldn't resist because I had the uber cool lightweight ALE bottle cage. I suppose I could reduce the weight with a titanium bottom bracket and and a lighter crankset set, but at some point we start talking about real money - probably more additional money than I have invested in total, which doesn't seem to make sense.
Sunday, May 2, 2021
Lorna's Reading, Yoga Room

Next, move the bookcases back, take delivery of furniture tomorrow and purchase a center rug.
- Gunnar