An old bicycle, this is a French style American touring bicycle, with the frame built by an expat Englishman, painted by Chris Kvale (an old Norwegian. ;-). And built up with Italian components by ... myself.

For the folks who think a bicycle is a device to get efficently from point A to point B, or an exercise machine, let's talk.
After spending hours, days, months on eBay and other obscure sites, with the help of friends I assembled a bike's worth of components, mostly 'new old stock', some old. some new new - mostly Italian manufactured by Tullio Campagnolo. I then stripped off the protective anodized finish with nasty chemicals and polished the hell out of them. Then I masked off the areas I did not want painted on the seatpost, cranks and fenders.
I saved the fully chromed frame from a bastardized flatbar "townbike". It had areas of rust and light pitting so I sanded and filled the bad parts and masked off the chrome rear triangle, front and seat lugs and cable guides. Then off to the painter Chris Kvale, who etched the chrome, applied filler, sanded, sprayed it with primer, sanded, more primer and then eventually the finish color. He then sprayed a clearcoat, applied the transfers, and hit it with another clear coat, sanded, another clearcoat, more sanding, until you cannot feel the decals with your hands. (That paint job is worth a lot of complete bicycles.)
Dan Lestrud built the wheelset (Rigida rims, early Phil hubs) and I assembled the bicycle drivetrain, brakes, shiny bits, vintage French Luxor lights and handlebars - and laced leather covering on the handlebars and toe clips.
A thing of great beauty. Love all those little details like the extra cable guide for the outer rear cable cover and the colour matched pump... My heart leaps at the sight of such tapered raked forks in an age of fat lumpen straight sticks. Not too dissimilar to my mid 70s Holdsworth tourer but I did not go anywhere close to this for it's restoration.
Cheered me up.
Thanks. Frankly I should sell it because I do not ride it anymore, but have too much money, time and soul invested.
The bicycle is a true work of art, far more impressive than almost everything being produced and called art, keep it for the pure joy it provides.
So much to love about this bike. Those fenders and lights are just to die for. Better art than what most people have on their walls for sure. Bravo!
Thanks. My Chris Kvale,now THAT is art, in my humble opinion. Probably only because it was
MY vision from conception to completion.
Nice Job! That's one sweet ride.
You are a true Velo Artiste. I bow to your vision...and your deep pockets. Stay Blessed!
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