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Sunday, February 17, 2019

Boardwalk Walk

I spent half a day on the boardwalk at South Padre bird center. The tide was in pretty much killing the opportunity to see shorebirds, so I was primarily looking for a Clapper Rail or maybe a Least Bittern. I saw neither, so just took pictures of the more common birds as I walked. 

It was interesting to see the breeding feathers starting to show up on the Herons and Egrets. This time of the season the birds spend a lot of time feather tending, almost as if it itches. The Tricolored Heron looked particularly ragged, but in a week or two he will look neater.

Here are some I took the day before. No Clapper Rail that day either.

Clapperlessly yours,


George A said...

Don't know what I'm looking at but the second photograph is stunning!

Gunnar Berg said...

Green Heron. Dapper little chap.

Redwing said...

Nice Lesser Yellowlegs.