The jet-stream is all screwed up. It was warm yesterday, pushing 50F. It's a strange year, minimal snow and high temperatures. I haven't even taken the Coldnago out, though last week I got her road worthy just in case.
I was online with a group of bicyclists and told them it was too nice and I was logging off to ride my bike. One of them requested pictures of the high points of my ride. Sorry, nothing strange or exotic. I was certainly tempted to take out the Galmozzi for a maiden voyage, but it was wet enough on the street that fenders were nice. I just looped around the lake and stopped at the hardware store for some carriage bolts, then continued on to Nancy's Cafe for a noon breakfast.
Back on the bike I headed for home, but I was hailed by an old friend. We sat in his living room overlooking the lake shootin' the shit for a couple of hours 'til Lorna called looking for me and I had to ride on home. Another day shot. In the long run this retirement thing is really working out.
A comment on my reflection in the window of Nancy's Cafe:
A comment on my reflection in the window of Nancy's Cafe:
"Trivers recalls walking down a city street with an attractive young woman, “trying to amuse her,” when he spots “an old man on the other side of her, white hair, ugly, face falling apart, walking poorly, indeed shambling.” Trivers abruptly realizes he is seeing his reflection in a store window: “Real me is seen as ugly me by self-deceived me.” - Robert Trivers
Those of us still working tip our hats to you! I'll probably join the leisure class in another 5 or 10 years.
Hey I am looking at you're reflection in the window. Nice riding threads you got goin there Gunnar. Very fashionable.
It's what I had on when I decided to ride. Laying around the house clothes, work boots and a windbreaker. And the toe strap around the ankle always lends a nice dapper touch.
Nice! One of my favorite things in the world is to dink around town on a bike. So fun!
BTW, my hometown has a Nancy's Silver Cafe. She makes the best red chile enchiladas and red chile combo plate in the state (therefore the world by default).
I envy you, Nancy's was Abrego's before she bought it. Pat Abrego retired and moved to Texas to be near his brother. I asked if it was near where they had came from. He said he didn't know, even his grandparents were born in Albert Lea. But he could still cook Tex-Mex! Since then he moved back to Albert Lea. He missed home more than he wanted to be warm. We still have a handful of Mexican Cafes to chose from.
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