Who are we? We are our stories.

Monday, September 14, 2015

Lorna In Tuscany

In the past year I have sold a couple of bicycles, which with the weak Euro was nearly enough money to send my wife to Tuscany. Actually she would have gone anyway, but I like pretending that the bicycles were a gift to her.

She and a dozen yoga friends arrived at Fattoria Palazzo di Piero in Tuscany yesterday, Sunday for a yoga retreat. The castle dates to 1599, comes equipped with a chef, and the women have it all to themselves, other than the permanent residents. It does sound quite nice.

For those friends who are not on Facebook, I am going to use this blog posting as a continuing photo dump, adding photos as I receive them. If you are interested in following the trip you might want to bookmark this page.

"So the adventure begins!"
Lorna took this selfie on the way to Minneapolis to have brunch with Addy, before we picked up her friend Barbara who was working an art fair in Edina. I then dropped them off at the airport, hugged them both, kissed Lorna goodbye, and sent them on their way.

(Note the Slant Avenue baseball cap - I am expecting massive discounts for the free advertising.)

___________________batch #2, Monday___________________

Exterior of the chapel. Interesting - sometime in the past 200 or 300 years people got taller and they had to raise the roof. Looking forward to shots of the interior.


___________________batch#3, Wednesday___________________

Lorna - front and center

___________________batch#4, Thursday___________________

Cooking class _________________________________________

________Last days at the castle and traveling after__________


Live well today, for tomorrow we may die- Gunnar

1 comment:

Silk Hope said...

Ohhh..... Italian cooking, one of my favorites.