Who are we? We are our stories.

Monday, February 6, 2017


I have heard the North American Butterfly Association does not want to be called Naba. After we left the Pump House we drove over to Naba to see if I could get a few close-up photographs of birds, and if not, a few butterflies.

Man, there were butterflies! But not so many birds. They vanished. I discovered an Accipiter perched in the brushy branches over the water and birdfeeders. In North America there are three Accipiters, the Northern Goshawk, which we very rarely see, the Cooper's Hawk and the Sharp-shinned. The Cooper's and Sharpies are very similar except for size. And they both eat birds for a living. Today we had a Sharpie.

So, I concentrated on butterflies, particularly tailed Skippers. I thought that White-striped Longtail was especially fine.

Take care, live well, - Gunnar

1 comment:

Redwing said...

More great shots! Yeah, I still call it NABA too, instead of the National Butterfly Center, forgetting that they have split from NABA (North American Butterfly Association)...