Who are we? We are our stories.

Sunday, January 27, 2019

Wandering Off Alone

It was a beautiful day. We went to Estero Llano Grande early and joined the "bird walk". I loitered at the back of the group long enough to talk to John Yocum and Dave Seal. Dave and his buddy have been banding birds since 1967. Over the years they have caught and released 500,000 birds, banding over 200,000 of them (many are banded and re-caught more than one).

Lorna stayed with the group and as usual I peeled off and wandered around solo. Took a few pictures.

After a long lunch with recent acquaintances we went to Frontera Audubon for another crack at the Golden-crowned Warbler. Again we struck out. The bird is still there and seen almost daily ... but not by us. It could be worse, we shared the look chase hope with a couple of guys who had flown in from out-of-state to share our strike out.


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