Who are we? We are our stories.

Sunday, February 11, 2018

Padre Herons

There are so many herons and egrets at the Birding Center and they are so easy I wasn't going to bother posting photos, except for a Green Heron that is going to get its own posting later. Then this morning I was talking on the phone to Brian Plath planning our day - which will include a little cool afternoon birding, then a meal at the Blue Onion, our regular stop. It has an extensive beer menu, even over a dozen sours. Now some of us would view this as an opportunity to expand our horizons, but ol' buddy Brian, who spent most of his adult life in Germany, orders the same Hefeweizenbier every time because, "there are so many on the list that it's confusing". 

Okay, enough picking on Brian, I am posting this for him because this morning he said, "Did you get any Reddish Egrets, they're my favorites". And they may be mine too, though I really like Green Herons. The Reddish Egrets are fun because most herons and egrets either hunt by freezing stone still or by slow motion stealth. The Reddish are having none of that. They hunt by running about jumping up and down, generally raising hell and scaring the fish;  then they stop and spread a feathered wing shade umbrella and nail the fish when they come back for shelter. It's a great show to watch.

And here is some portrait shots - like Heron Senior High yearbook photos.

Time to go out and bird a bit, - Gunnar

1 comment:

Gunnar Berg said...

Comment: It was 54F, damp and windy today. We had quorum (2). We had a show of hands and both agreed, birds be damned, we were not having any fun. So we knocked off early and went to the Blue Onion.