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Saturday, November 8, 2008

Conspiracy Theory

In the Minnesota race for the U.S. Senate, incumbent Norm Coleman leads challenger Al Franken by 226 votes, pending a recount. Norm won the seat six years ago, sneaking through the back door when his opponent Paul Wellstone died in a terrible airplane crash while campaigning. Senator Wellstone had originally won the seat by defeating another incumbent, Rudy Boschwitz. In Scandinavian, whitebread Lutheran Minnesota what do these four gentleman all have in common? They are all Jewish! Apparently in Minnesota, all Jewish men over the age of accountability (50?) are required by law to run for higher office.

In this past election Minnesota had a 89.57% voter turnout. Freeborn County had 94% turnout. My home at 1410 Oakwood Drive had 100% turnout. All numbers remarkable; all favoring Obama.

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