Who are we? We are our stories.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Killing Fields

My daughter is in Cambodia for a while. I clipped this from her blog http://adenastarjumper.livejournal.com/1189.htmlt

"I feel so ignorant about the genocide that occured here just thirty years ago. How is it that three million people were killed here, by their own government, in more horrific ways than the Holacaust and it was never talked about once during my education. I went to the killing fields, a quiet green space full of trees, butterflies, massgraves, and bone fragments. And was stunned. There was one tree that haunts me, and probably will for the rest of my life. It was labeled "the magic tree". Childrens skulls were smashed against it. Then the bodies were thrown in a pit at the roots of the tree."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am still amazed at how little anyone talks about Cambodia. My daughter learned nothing of it in school.

I had to tell her. I had to give her books to read...just as my mother did for me regarding the Holocaust. (They taught us some bit about it in school, but really glossed over the worldwide racism that allowed such atrocities to even occur in the first place, and how we even turned away refugees.

We were never told how popular Hitler with Americans, for sooooo long.